Our firm provides different services to large, medium and small- sized companies located in Mendoza, Argentina and abroad. Our main purpose is to achieve the highest level of excellence possible in the rendering of professional services.
In order to reach said purpose, we rely on a deep knowledge of our clients´ business and a thorough and ongoing training of our staff. Based on these principles, we offer a wide variety of services:
We offer internal and external auditing services for financial statements, as well as advisory services for the implementation of control environments and internal auditing.
The accounting service (outsourcing) arises from the need of companies that have decided to outsource their accounting and account management services.
Dedicated to providing advice on tax and social security matters, which are among the most challenging aspects for companies and require significant external assistance.
We provide payroll processing services for both salaries and wages (on a biweekly and monthly basis), preparation of sworn statements and union dues slips, and payroll audit services.
We provide a comprehensive service for the incorporation of companies, trusts and non-profit institutions, analysis and advice during their development according to the regulations governing the above mentioned entities and their needs.
Comprehensive consulting, providing a global perspective through our knowledge and experience in serving companies, as well as representing them as directors and legal representatives of local and international institutions.
Keeping up with the evolution of digital businesses, we work in a virtual environment with state-of-the-art technology and advanced software tools, that allow us to meet our clients’ needs with greater flexibility and efficiency. We have focused on a digital vision and, thus, offer the following:
In the case our clients request face-to-face meetings, we can hold them at our firm or at the place the client finds convenient, as we are able to access our virtual offices anywhere. We do not need our clients’ time or physical space. We focus our efforts on providing efficient and professional consultancy services, taking into consideration our clients’ convenience.
In this digital evolution, we truly feel nearer, and more inclusive.
Our team consists of highly qualified professionals. Every day, in every task, they exert themselves to achieve excellence, and they encourage their teammates to cultivate their individual talents and abilities, in view of offering our clients the best service possible.
With our main objective in mind – to build long- term relationships with our clients –, we aim at establishing proactive communications, offering personalized customer service and achieving comprehensive solutions for our clients.
And all of this is accomplished, because our team members have a vast knowledge of our clients’ businesses and of their legal, economic and social structures, in Argentina and abroad.
Our values have always been the pillars of the Organization. They were not established beforehand, theyemerged naturally as the firm grew:
Our aim is to be a Firm recognized by excellence and prestige in the rendering of professional services,
through customized and comprehensive consultancy, with a global view of their needs.
At ETA, we work round the clock to offer our clients first-class services, offering optimal solutions to their needs and guiding them through their growth. The firm’s philosophy is to generate value, in order to optimize our clients’ effectiveness and productivity. Client satisfaction is our number one motivator, and client reassurance, our main concern.
The principles are the set of values, beliefs and norms that guide and monitor the life of an Organization.
They are the basis of the Vision, the Mission and the Values. These principles are revealed and realized in our culture, in our way of being, of thinking, of acting. This is how our firm defined its principles:
We are independent professionals who offer quality services and are recognized by their expertise and the generation of value for their clients.
We work for small, medium and large companies, either belonging to the public or private sector.
We offer comprehensive services, with a global view of the clients’ needs, adding value and quality to their organizations, managing their business side by side.
We like to offer our services in a humane work environment, facing our challenges with common sense and leaving old models behind to build new routes and create new coordinates to arrive safe to destination with our services.
Our firm is led by Eduardo Terranova, Certified Public Accountant, graduate from Aconcagua University, with postgraduate studies in Tax Accounting Consulting from the Catholic University of Cuyo.
Mr. Terranova is an affiliated member of the Argentine Association of Tax Studies, and has wide experience in university teaching. He has been Director and Legal Representative of National and International companies since 1990, and has more than 30 years of experience exercising the profession as a freelancer.
Tax Specialist with 10 years of experience in the profession at Accounting Firms.
Certified Public Accountant and Court-appointed Expert, graduated from the Faculty of Economic Sciences at UNCuyo.
General Manager with 20 years of experience in Accounting Firms.
Certified Public Accountant, graduated from Champagnat University. Master of Business Administration with a specialization in Costing (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona).
External Audit Specialist with 19 years of experience in the profession at accounting firms.
Certified Public Accountant, graduated from Champagnat University.
Tax Specialist with 22 years of experience in the profession at accounting firms.
Certified Public Accountant and Court-appointed Expert, graduated from the Faculty of Economic Sciences at UNCuyo. Postgraduate studies in Taxation at the Faculty of Economic Sciences at UNCuyo.
Accounting Specialist with 5 years of experience in the profession at accounting firms.
Certified Public Accountant and Court-appointed Expert, graduated from the Faculty of Economic Sciences at UNCuyo.
Corporate Legal Advisor with 8 years of experience in the profession at accounting firms.
Certified Public Accountant, graduated from Aconcagua University.
We provide internal and external auditing services of financial statements, as well as consulting services related to the effective implementation of control environment and internal auditing. The objective of an audit is to provide true financial information and to express an opinion about the consistency and reliability of the financial information.
Our external auditing services aims -not only- at reassuring the trustworthiness of the information given to third parties, managers and partners, but also at advising on improvements regarding procedures in force and operational efficiency.
As our firm is registered with the Registry of External Auditors of the National Securities Commission and, consequently, all our professionals have an extensive knowledge of the International Financial Reporting Standards and the International Auditing Standards.
Our Tax Department (outsourcing) is created as a consequence of the growing need of companies to outsource tax services and account management, either because they don’t have administrative offices or because they find it convenient, as regards costs and order. Our firm provides the following services:
The Tax Department is dedicated to advise clients in matters of tax and social security, which are the two most complicated issues that face companies in our country, and require professional external assistance, as the norms and regulations are very complex and demand a continuous update from the tax professionals in charge. In this sense, our firm relies on highly recognized and trained accountants, who are willing to assist companies of different sectors. As for doctrine, we have set trends and criteria, that arise from our close contact with distinguished professionals and national and local tax collection entities.
We provide the following payroll services:
We provide comprehensive consulting services, not only on the governing laws of commercial companies, trust agreements and non-profit institutions, but also in matters related to their incorporation, development and dissolution.
We offer consulting services with a global view of our clients’ firms, based on our proficiency and experience, and Mr. Terranova’s training as director and legal representative of local and international organizations.
Consultoría integral dando una mirada global con nuestro saber y experiencia en el servicio a empresas y su representación como director y apoderado de instituciones locales e internacionales.
Constituye el servicio integral de asesoramiento de la normativa que regulan las sociedades comerciales, contratos de Fideicomisos e instituciones sin fines de lucro. Tanto en la constitución de los entes mencionados como en su desarrollo y disolución.
Prestamos el servicio de liquidación de nómina.
Servicio dedicado al asesoramiento en materia impositiva y previsional que constituyen uno de los aspectos más conflictivos de las empresas en nuestro país y que requiere de asistencia externa intensiva, debido a la complejidad de las normas de las materias mencionadas y que requieren una exigente actualización de los profesionales contadores tributaritas. En ese sentido es que contamos con profesionales de alta capacitación y reconocidos en nuestro medio, asistiendo a empresas de diversas actividades con estándares de capacitación interna de nuestro estudio. A nivel doctrinario hemos impuesto tendencias y criterios que surgen de nuestro permanente contacto con profesionales destacados y los entes de recaudación nacionales y provinciales.
El servicio de contabilidad (outsourcing) surge como consecuencia de la necesidad de las empresas de tercerizar el servicio contable y de gestión de sus cuentas, sea por no contar con oficinas administrativas o para aquellas que lo consideran como una opción por cuestiones de orden y costos.
Los principales servicios relacionados con esta división son:
Ofrecemos servicios de auditoría interna y externa de estados contables, como así también de asesoría en la implementación de ambiente de control y auditoría interna. El objetivo de toda auditoría es proporcionar información financiera fidedigna y de opinar sobre la consistencia y confiabilidad de su información financiera.
Nuestro servicio de auditoría externa, además de asegurar la confiabilidad de la información contable a terceros, directivos y socios de la compañía para la toma de decisiones, se complementa con nuestras recomendaciones tendientes a mejorar los procedimientos vigentes y la eficiencia y eficacia operativa.
Nos encontramos inscriptos como auditores en el Registro de Auditores Externos de la Comisión Nacional de Valores de la República Argentina (CNV), por lo cual contamos con amplios conocimientos técnicos en la aplicación de Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera y Normas Internacionales de Auditoría